Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm Back

Been away for awhile and it is all because the new business that I am trying to learn has been taking sooo much of my time and then they say you need to blog. I think that if the OR nursing wasn't so hard on my body I would think about going back. I must keep those thoughts out of my head. Learning all about this Internet marketing and all is a lot like going to nursing school and getting an A.D. in Nursing in 12 weeks. And lucky me as one of the first to join the mentoring session I get an extra week.

Computers are for more than just email and solitaire. I think that I have gotten more thrown at me than I ever thought that I would be using a computer for. Copy and paste seem to be two of my biggest friends. I am doing PPC Search Marketing and putting ads on Google and trying to learn how to write copy that will compel someone to click on my ad and make me a little money.

I have had time to finish editing my ebook that will be a guide for travel nurses based on all of the experiences my wife and I had in the last four and one half years of our lives. The book is mixed with anecdotes of the things that happened out of the ordinary and how we took care of them and what to do to make sure they do not happen to the next person! Now I need a graphic artist to supply me with a cover. Anybody out there that has a friend of a friend would be a big help.

If you know someone email me at:jpbrady1@aol.com, I would appreciate it very much.

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